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    Kansas State FOP Lodge
    Kansas COPS
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    McCauley & Roach, LLC
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  • New User Registration!

    Please use the form below to register. You must be a current member in good standing to register with this site. Once your registration is submitted, please allow up to 48 hours for approval as all requests will be verified with the Lodge's membership database.

    You must register using a personal e-mail address. Any registration requests using a Department e-mail will not be approved. Failing to update your cell phone and e-mail information will result in removal from the "Members Only" section of the website.

    First Name: *
    Last Name: *
    Postal Code:

    Cell Phone: *

    Format (no spaces or dashes): xxxxxxxxxx
    Select Your Cell Phone Provider:
    Send Me Text Message Alerts:
    E-Mail Address: *
    Do not use the following email domains:

    Allow other members to view my email address
    Confirm E-Mail Address: *

    For spouse registration, member name?:
    Mailing Lists :
    (Check all that apply to you)

    - Active Sworn

    - Commanders

    - Executive Board

    - Peer Support

    - Retired Member

    - Spouse
    Choose Username: *

    (DO NOT use spaces)
    Choose Password: *
    Password Strength:

    Strong passwords contain 3 of the following items and at least 6 characters:

    - Uppercase Letters
    - Lowercase Letters
    - Numbers
    - Symbols
    Click the Preview button below to review the registration information on the next page.

    * Required Fields
  • FOP Lodge #4

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